Tuesdays in Thomas | The Act of Letting Go


Leaves are falling, the temperature was a crisp 35 degrees when I woke up this morning. Last night my mom and I took a walk in doubled up sweatshirts and ear muffs. How quickly time passes. It seems like just a few days ago we were at the ocean soaking up the last of the summer sun, and soon we’ll prepare for winter.


The last few weeks Thomas and I have been going through his childhood home. It’s a large two story hundred year old home that’s housed many items and memories over the years. Deciding what to keep or give away has been quite the job. It got me thinking… how do we accumulate so much stuff?!

When something good happens, we go out to celebrate and buy a new thing. When something bad happens, you often hear of “retail therapy” as a way to cope. Going into stores you’ll see all the new Christmas stuff beside the fall decor. Soon we’ll have to get our shopping done for the holidays with our families. We are constantly bombarded with ads across social media, TV or billboards claiming the next, new, big thing will bring us contentment… but will it?

The Next Best Thing

I will be the first to admit. It’s hard for me to stop and smell the roses. I am always looking ahead at the next best thing. It must be my dreamers brain but I find so much excitement in it. However, since we lost Marcia, I have found The Lord saying “stop and soak in this day, cherish every moment”…. Boy, talk about convicting. I’m constantly prepping for weeks, months, even years ahead for big life events and plans. I rely heavily on my calendar to keep me on track and see what lies ahead. Sometimes, I find myself overwhelmed at what’s to come. Excitement and overwhelming thoughts take hold of my heart when I put the importance of “stuff” ahead of The Lord.

We aren’t meant to live this life like a Nascar race. There is no special award for the person who accumulates the most stuff at the end of our lives. Our homes, cars and “junk” mean nothing in eternity.

Each year, God gives us the chance to see the beauty in letting go… Soon enough these beautiful, colorful leaves will fall off and the barren trees made white with snow. There is beauty in every season. And sometimes, we just have to let go of control, let go of longing for the things of this world to find contentment in Christ. Embrace the seasons… enjoy today. Cherish every moment.

It’s just another Tuesday in Thomas…


“Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own…” -Matthew 6:34

If you liked this post, see another one here.


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