Tuesdays in Thomas | It’s Snowing Today



It’s snowing today… I took these fall photos yesterday. Time is just marching on and sometimes weird things stop me in my tracks. Some days feel as though the world turns too quickly for me to catch up. Does anyone else feel ever feel that way?

Shredded cheese, Socks and Tucker County Back roads

I’m not really sure what shredded cheese, socks or Tucker County back roads have to do with each other, but these are the things that triggered my grief this week. I opened a bag of shredded cheese and it made me tear up. I used to get Marcia’s groceries for her each week, before she got really sick. I’d take them to her house and put them away for her. Almost every week she’d want some shredded cheese because she wouldn’t eat all of the previous week’s, she said it had a “stinky cheese” smell. The woman had the nose of a blood hound… We’d joke and call her super sniffer!

On Sunday, I was sorting through socks to find a pair to put on since it was going to be a little chilly. I found a couple pairs of socks that she had given me. They stopped me in my tracks. It’s so weird… Who would’ve thought that a pair of socks or shredded cheese would make you cry or feel that lump in your throat and remind you of reality all over again?


I’m driving a back road to Fairmont today. These West Virginia back roads have incredible views of the October fall foliage. The quickest way to get from our house to any other “big city” in WV, isn’t a large highway or interstate, but windy, often times a one-lane back road. They curve down the side of mountains, follow along beautiful little rivers or creeks, and sometimes make you pray no one is coming from the opposite side.

We truly are blessed to live in such a beautiful place. I forget that most people don’t have what we do- beautiful trees that cover the mountains for miles. God’s presence in nature is so prevalent.

When I would take Marcia to various appointments, we would travel the same Tucker County back roads. It was our quiet time in the car to talk about all the things. Today, I sit alone admiring God’s handiwork and spending time in deep thought and prayer to Him.

He gave me these words:


2 Corinthians 4 is full of so much wisdom. I encourage each one of you to read the entire chapter for yourselves. The author of this book, Paul, has faced persecution, suffering, and loss, just like the people of today’s world. In this chapter, he is encouraging his reader to endure through life’s troubles and focus on the bigger picture; eternity. He ends the chapter stating this: “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us a greater glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

God gives our hurting hearts exactly what we need. Whether through long drives in the mountains or fresh fallen snow flakes on the trees, He knows our hearts. He knows our needs. He is with us. Don’t lose heart, friends… It snowed today. And God knew I needed this reminder of His goodness and grace that wash us bright as snow. Clean and fresh. A renewed mind to focus on the unseen… the eternal.

It snowed today… just another Tuesday in Thomas.


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I'm a family girl at heart. Some might say I'm an old soul. My deep roots in both faith and family are what inspire me to document and preserve lasting legacies for each couple I serve.

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