Merry Christmas 2021 | The Christmas Letter


Each year with our Christmas cards, I write a letter to all of our friends and family. It’s something I’ve really enjoyed doing and I’ve decided to share this year’s letter on the blog today:

“Hello friends and family!

My goodness how quickly this year has flown by! Can you believe we’ve made it to Christmas time again?! I know life has been pretty crazy for us the last two years. Sickness, hardship and fear have been knocking at the door of our lives and have turned our world completely upside down. The holidays are not exempt to our anxiety-ridden lives and if you’re like me, once the calendar hits December 1st, that panic of everything that has to be done may soak in a little.

What if it didn’t have to be that way? I often tell Thomas that I could’ve easily fit into previous generations. I’m an old soul who loves classic hymns, especially Christmas ones. Last Sunday’s hymn “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” got me thinking. What if the panic and longing for life to “be back to normal” shifted to a new mindset of our longing for Christ’s return? What if the hardship we faced made us look back at how our perfect Savior came into this broken world as a humble babe born in a manger and faced that awful journey to die on the cross for our sin?

A few months ago, I purchased a new bible study called the “Give me Jesus Journal”. It has truly been life changing… Not so much the journal, but the awakening in my soul that The Lord has given me through spending time in His word. This week I finished up 2 Corinthians, a book in the New Testament that has really been “waking me up”. Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 9:8 are the promise in which we as believers live in… “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all times having all you need, you will abound in every good work.” Wow.

Are we truly living in that today? Do we really believe that God is able to bless us abundantly? The biblical definition of abundant means “beyond measure”, or “considerably more than what one would expect or anticipate”. Another definition I found said “fully sufficient”. So, what does it mean to be fully sufficient in today’s world? Designer clothes or fancy homes and fun vacations will not lead to that abundant life Christ promises us. But seeking Him will. With all the hustle and bustle especially this time of year, I feel like we become deaf to God’s promise that He is able. He is able to bless us- not just to “tide us over”, but to give us an ABUNDANT, fully sufficient life that leads to peace, so that we may abound in every good work for His kingdom. Salvation is near. Our King is coming. Are we ready?

This year has definitely had its ups and downs, but overall has been good to us. We spent many nights in our sweet little home in the mountains just spending time together and eating supper way too late. I think Thomas would agree that it is our favorite time. This fall, he took another job that is very close to us and gets to come home for lunch now too. Fun! It has been so nice for us, especially since the fall is when busy season picks up for me. I am excited for things to slow down a little. The Lord is good!

We love you all so very much and are excited for what God has planned for our future. Trusting Him in every season, knowing He is able.”

Here are a few family pictures we took last weekend of our growing family! We are so blessed!

May you be blessed this Christmas and New Year!

Zoe (& Thomas 😉 )


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I'm a family girl at heart. Some might say I'm an old soul. My deep roots in both faith and family are what inspire me to document and preserve lasting legacies for each couple I serve.

I believe in serving well and building a lasting friendship that allows you to trust that I will document your memories in an effortless and romantic light.

And I can't wait to get to know you!

I'm Zoe

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